Promposal Season

May 2, 2018
The 2018 Promposal season began with a musical number by Lucas Doney and The Front Street Boys on Thursday, Mar. 8 at the Spring Pep Assembly. He asked his girlfriend, Amanda Huynh, with a dance number in front of the entire school to the song Amanda.
“It was an opportunity, I realized it was a little early but I did talk to some people about it and they thought I should go for it. It was an opportunity that I didn’t want to pass up because it was a really good opportunity,” Doney said.
The idea came to him when his lip sync battle group was asked to perform at the assembly to Jitterbug and he didn’t want to pass up the perfect chance. All of the guys were excited to be a part of it when he shared the idea. When asked if she knew what was in store, Huynh replied, “Nope, I was, nope. I didn’t know, I didn’t know at all. Well, I think I first realized it when I saw the boys in a star, because I was like, ‘why are they in a star’? The whole time I didn’t know what to think, I was really shocked. I couldn’t form any emotions, I was just kind of blank.”
As everyone in the audience saw, after she said ‘yes’, Huynh wrapped Doney in a big hug.
“I expected it but I didn’t think it was going to be that big it was a really good surprise.”
Huynh said about the grand gesture. Because Doney asked so early, the couple does not have any plans for Prom yet, but are thinking about dinner with a small group.
The most recent public promposal was Justin Ritter to Shelby Northen at the Arts Assembly on April 26.
If you’re planning on asking someone to prom, you better hurry, it’s coming up on May 12.