Breaking UP With Your BFF

Elisabeth Avenell, Staff Writer

With relationships, school, and hormones, teenagers, especially girls, are prone to drama. Breaking up with your BFF can be hard. But, if you do it correctly, you are sure to limit the already drama prone life.

First, start dropping subtle hints. Dropping subtle hints such as hanging out less, being less eager to reply to messages, and even start making new friends and letting them know it.

After you have dropped all the hints, they might start asking questions. Do you want to be friends with me? Are we even friends anymore? Feel free to answer these however you feel fit. Some people respond better to a simple no and some people you might need to lie to protect feelings or to not start a big fight.

Then, telling your possibly drama prone friend outright that you need some space is best. Break the news in a respectful way and they are more likely to take the news in a more respectful way.

“I need some space, it’s too much drama for me” is good thing to say because it puts the blame on yourself and not on them. It also gives them a reason and doesn’t leave them hanging and wanting more. If you want to talk about it with them you can, but if you are already done and have made the decision to end the friendship, don’t let them try to drag the friendship on if you don’t want it.

If you feel overwhelmed at all during this process, do not be afraid to talk to a counselor about this.

“Do not get stuck in the endless drama triangle. You go from being the bully, to the victim, to the savior, and then the triangle repeats,” Kjerstin Lee said. She is a school counselor.

Breaking up with your BFF is not easy, but it is better for everyone in the end.