Trapped In GP
The empty entrance by the tennis courts.
December 1, 2017
As a Sno-Isle student, you have three periods a day. Periods One, two and three. Everyday the bus picks you up at the same time, 10:40 a.m. As we all know, we have early dismissal on Fridays. Sno-Isle students arrive back to Glacier Peak at 2:12 on Fridays. Considering we still have only three periods on a Friday with a shortened, wacky schedule, we get out of our 3rd period at 9:34 leaving us about an hour and 10 minutes until the bus comes. In this brief period our options are to chat in the commons or do homework in the Career Center.
Those are both great options. But last year these options were lightly enforced and , many seniors and some junior Sno-Isle students (including myself) left during this time to go get some lunch. This year, the first Friday of the year I did so, assuming it wasn’t a huge deal considering the last year going so smooth. As soon as I got back to the school to catch the bus I was bombarded by the Security Guard and the Career Center coordinator. The consequences for breaking this ‘rule’ again were well understood and respected. Even though I respect the rule, I do believe there should be a way students that drive can go pick up a lunch group lunch on Fridays, especially since we’re putting in extra hours toward our education.
After that day I talked with a few students on the Sno-Isle bus that I had lunch with on that first Friday about my frustration with the rule enforcement.
“I really enjoyed being able to get some good food with people I don’t usually hang out with. We all had a good time talking about all sorts of random things, all of our different personality’s really clashed well,” Avery Bonny said.
I also recently talked with a graduated senior that attended the lunch group we had on Fridays before Sno-Isle.
“Going out to eat on Fridays before Sno-Isle was always a fun time. Getting away from the school for a bit with classmates to grab some food really created memories that I’ll have forever, I got to know some of my peers from Sno-Isle so well and it really made up for those extra hours at school that we had to attend after our little getaway,” Jaden Goodwin said.
I recently talked with Mr.Peters about this topic in hopes of getting a answer as to why we can’t leave. He shared with me that it was a district choice and that it would be possible to make Glacier Peak an open campus for Sno-Isle students. This is a goal I hope to work toward achieving. I also talked with Mr. Larson about the situation. He explained that if a legal guardian called every Friday to excuse a student from school and explain that you are coming back from Sno-Isle, along with signing in and out, you are free to leave.