More than Music
Claire Calabrese preparing for the halftime show at the homecoming game.
November 8, 2017
Students that are in band learn more than music, they learn to manage time effectively, work as a team and how to be responsible with expensive equipment.
“The benefits of being in band are endless. Two of the main benefits of being in band are learning to be responsible and learning how to manage our time,” Jocel Clark, a former band member from said.
Not only do band students have to prepare for football games and pep assemblies, but they also have to practice a lot for the concerts they have each season.
One of the ways the band people prepare for football games and assemblies is band camp. It takes place at Glacier Peak and it is on the first week of August. This camp lasts for a week and it is eight hours a day. They practice the songs they will be playing and they also march.
“Band camp is very tiring. Marching in the heat is not fun at all, but at the end of camp we have a water balloon fight and it is very fun. We also get to go to Silverwood or Disneyland every year and it is an amazing experience,” Elizabeth Beach said.
For most teenagers Friday nights during fall mean going to football games and dressing up with their friends to support their school. Not for band people, they have to be in their band uniforms at 5:30 at school so they can arrive at the game early to set up and practice.
“It is definitely hard to balance being on the volleyball team, being in band, and staying on top of my school work but I don’t know who I would be without band. It has made me who I am and I am very grateful because I have made many friends in band,” Morgan Johnson said.