Remember To Wash Your Hands?
October 31, 2017
As you walk down the hall toward the science rooms from the shop, you walk by a staff bathroom. If you haven’t noticed, there is a paper on the front of the door about germs and a small reminder to wash your hands.
“I think that it’s a bit odd that the staff bathroom on the science floor is the only bathroom in the entire school. I feel like that every bathroom should have one,” McKenna Murphy said.
Throughout the whole school, this is the only bathroom that has this sign to wash your hands. But, this bathroom is a staff bathroom.
“I actually don’t know why there is only the one in that one staff bathroom and not in students. I think that they should really be in every bathroom,” Kristy Kelly, the schools main nurse, said.
A small test was done at International Medical University in Jalan Jalil Perkasa, the test involved 60 students (30 females and 30 males) participated in the study. At the end of the study, it showed that the females had a better hand hygiene than the males. Many other studies were done with young children, they resulted with a similar result as the study done above. However, they are still concerned about the habit of actually washing hands.
“The reminder is a really important thing because there are people that don’t think that they need to wash their hand,” Kelly said.
No signs have been hung in the past, and there was only one thing stopping it.
“My one concern with put these up is, are students going to take them back down and vandalize them. But I think that we could order more of the mirror stickers,” Kelly said.
After about nine years of Glacier Peak not having signs in student bathrooms, the health department is making a purchase of mirror stickers. These stickers will be placed in the student, and possibly other staff, bathrooms. When this news was told to the students, they had some mixed emotions.
“I feel like, yes and no. We are high schoolers so we should probably already. But there are other people that go to the restroom with other people, but still. But I think that we need a reminder every once and a while,” Murphy said.
However, other students think otherwise.
“I don’t think that people really need a reminder because we already know to do it. Just having it there would be like ‘Hey, there’s something that everybody knows’,” Elizabeth Hood said.