Seven Students Explain Why They’re Late
October 31, 2017
Everyday students are late to school for one reason or another. Some make a quick stop by the Buffalo Espresso, some Starbucks, and others the Dog Park. Regardless the reason, students, especially seniors, cannot find a cure to senioritis. Daily, Mrs. Tarvin has to check students in for their tardiness whether the student is two minutes late or two periods late. With our new gates, and Ms. Gibson guarding the doors, our students are finding it harder and harder to make it to school late without being caught. We found that students wake up with plenty of time to make it to school but they still find end up being late. Here’s what’s going down in the mornings,
“I live really far away, but I also make myself a Redbull in the morning,” senior Emi Hartkopf said.
“I wake up at 6:50 a.m but Buffalo Espresso is an essential so I am sometimes late to school,” senior Hannah Oldham said.
“I either oversleep, take too long getting ready, or I go to seminary, I am rarely on time for school,” senior Rajina Dusara said.
“I wake up between four and five so I can go and workout at Golds Gym in Bothell,” senior Austin Schnarre said.
“I am constantly late whether it’s because my brother is slow, or because I’m hanging with my friends in the parking lot or at the DP (dog park),” senior Jared Freedman said.
“I wake up at 6:30 every morning but still don’t make it to school until 8:30 because I go to the Buffalo Espresso,” senior Elyse Beranbaum said.
“I wake up at 7:10 and then go to McDonalds with my girlfriend,” senior Keegan Rubio said.
“On a good day I will only have to check in 30 students, but that’s not including the tardies within the first ten minutes,” Ms. Tarvin said.