Winter Wonderland…In Spring?

February 27, 2017
It may not be the first real day of Spring, but it is the first day of Spring Sports. It is two days from March, and yet it is a winter wonderland. .The first day back to school this week is filled with flurries of snowflakes, and yet we are still at school. “Snow days have been called for way pettier cases than this, this is ridiculous,” John Bonner said.
It started snowing this morning around 6AM, and the snowing continued to fall until around 11AM, then started up again and has been lingering throughout the school day. The courtyard was completely covered in snow, which drew out students from many different classes, to come and enjoy the fun, “We just ran out of the band room and came to make a snow man and have a snowball fight.” Baylor Blair said.
Many students expressed shock that the district chose not to call a snow day, because they experienced many frightening instances on the way to school, “I almost got in a crash this morning, my car fish tailed out sideways on highway nine and someone almost hit me, it was crazy,” Emi Hartkopf.
“You guys are little babies and need to get over it,” Kelven May said to his Personal Finance class, “Schools in Wenatchee have snow for 3 months of the year and they haven’t missed a day,” May continued. “The rain falls from the sky, interacts with freezing air, and comes down as snow; it is nothing to freak out about.” May said.
“I understand there are people who are on variances, or people who have harder conditions to drive in than the majority of the people who live within a mile of the school, but just stay home if it is really that bad. One day of school is not worth getting in an accident over. But over here, it is not worth missing a day of school.” May said.
One would think that the try outs would be cancelled, but according to Athletic Administrator Mark Albertine, the show must go on, “To my knowledge, tryouts will not be cancelled, I don’t know what they are going to do, but they are going to do something.” Albertine said.
Due to the weather, school will be released at 1:55 to allow all to leave campus safely, stay safe Grizzlies and have some fun in the snow.