Big Success or Hot Mess

February 16, 2017
For the first time, ASB put on an optional pep assembly during Grizzly Period. During first period, it was announced that the pep assembly for the District and State bound teams is optional, rather than the usual required assembly.
As students walked through the door they were given a raffle ticket. ASB students took half of the ticket and each student kept the other half for the raffle drawing. This was part of the carrot used to help build enthusiasm and attendance during an optional assembly.
The assembly opened as usual with the cheerleaders dancing to the band’s music, however this time something was different. Students walked across the gym floor and bumped the cheerleaders as they wove between them to find seats. In defense of the wandering students, there was much less structure to the event. “You could barely hear the people on the microphone and they weren’t doing anything to stop the chaos,” Zena Alawar said.
ASB gave away spirit gear; t-shirts, headbands, and pom poms, to the audience.
When ASB students attempted call the the raffle, a little more than half of the numbers called did not have match. “I was so frustrated, I was screaming, ‘just give it to me,’” Junior Jackson Lindsay said.
The members of each of the playoff teams participated in a game. “I didn’t really know what was going on,” Alawar said.
Some of the athletes weren’t too pleased with the outcome of the assembly.“It’s not a pep assembly if the whole school is not there, no one was singing along to fight song, and no one was pumped up,” Makayla Guerra said.
Guerra plays on the Varsity Girls Basketball team, one of the teams ASB was honoring.
The Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball teams play tonight, February 16th, the District Championships at Everett Community College. (Girls at 6:15 and Boys at 8:00)
Boys Swim and Dive go to state at King County Aquatic Center, February 17th and finals on 18th, 4A starting at 9:30 AM.
Wrestling States Championships take place on the same days, the 17th and finals on the 18th, doors open 7AM.