Christmas Traditions

December 15, 2016
Christmas is right around the corner and its time to bring out the holiday cheer and Christmas traditions! Everyone has that one family Christmas tradition you do every year that just makes Christmas a whole lot better. If its making a special pie or decorating the Christmas tree to a certain song, it just makes Christmas.
Some traditions are more complex than others, some could be simply done or some could take some time and effort. “My favorite Christmas tradition is when my family would go to my old neighbor’s house and sing carols to her, I always loved seeing the smile light up on her face,” Avery Adams said.
Some people like Selina Pekarek and Morgan Raymond explained to me that their families go see a movie on Christmas day in the theaters. Christmas Eve traditions are also important to them. They get to open one present that night.
Some people like Lauren Deleon like giving back to others on Christmas Day. Her family all gets together and bake Christmas cookies to send to people serving in the military over the holidays, “It makes me feel really good to give back to others who are in a tougher environment then me, the least I can do for them is bake some cookies.”
One of the coolest traditions I have heard of is the Christmas pickle which is a decoration in the shape of a pickle that is hidden on a Christmas tree, and who ever finds it on Christmas day first gets to open the first present for this year’s Christmas. It is a simple and fun way to start off Christmas day.
Since Christmas is coming up the traditions are endless and easy to start, hopefully this Christmas break will be full of Christmas cheer and traditions!