The Girl Who Wrestles

December 6, 2016
Kiley Hubby, a current freshman, has decided to join the wrestling team this winter, she joined in fourth grade after seeing another girl on her brother’s team and has been playing ever since then. “My favorite thing about wrestling is that it’s fun and I get in good shape, my family has been a major impact with my success,” Hubby claims.
She joined the club Bad Draw because that was the club her brother was playing at before her, and decided to join because she wanted to join in all the fun and condition her for all the other sports she was playing in at the moment. “My worst experience would have to be in seventh grade during my match I was trying to escape and I dislocated my knee and I was out for four weeks. My best experience would be when I went to Reno and competed in a national tournament,” Hubby said.
Not only in wrestling, Hubby has played in other sports as well, including softball. One of her past teammates, on the Snohomish Shock Select Softball team, Ashley Jacobson said, “Kiley was always leading the team, she always had a positive attitude and knew how to lift the team’s spirits up. She always gave 110 percent in the field and when hitting.”
Playing with boy makes her stronger and an overall better player, with the extra conditioning running and lifting weights she does for this season, ables her to compete with her fellow teammates as well as the competition, “it’s a great experience and I love doing it” hubby exclaims.
Overall Hubby has enjoyed playing this sport and it made a huge impact on her life. She is also looking forward to playing for our school this winter.