Winter Toy Drive

Boxes going to the food bank.
December 5, 2016
In Snohomish county, hundreds of families use food banks weekly in order to collect basic necessities like food and hygiene items. These services are important to keeping families from homelessness and are needed to supplement the minimal provisions provided by the government.
In addition to these services, during the holidays, food banks collect toys to give to low income parents and guardians so they can give their children a happy holiday season. While the kids are making crafts and seeing Santa, the parents will be able to pick out presents for their children.
This year, GP is participating in the toy drive. The drive will be held until December 9, and the price of the toys should be around $10 dollars. The school hopes that the students will be generous and realize how even a small gift can change a life. As Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”