Senior Send Off

Photo by Megan Roberts
June 10, 2016
As the seniors get ready to graduate they also prepare to move on to bigger and better things. Of course graduation is an exciting time, although leaving high school can be very emotional. On Wednesday afternoon, we said goodbye to our class of 2016. The halls were lined with juniors, sophomores, and freshmen as our seniors took a final walk through the place they called home for the last four years. Tears were shed and hugs were shared. As the seniors made their way out, the school’s different emotions were displayed: happiness, excitement, pride and sadness. Many friendships between seniors and underclassmen made for an extremely emotional goodbye hug and some juniors came to the realization that they were quickly approaching their senior year. Junior Sophie Lundquist had an emotional time when she hugged her senior friend, Brendan Berg. “I was totally fine until I saw him come around the corner then I really lost it because we have grown really close this year,” Lundquist said, “Giving him the biggest hug was all I could do but I know I will see him this summer, it’s just going to be so different without him at school,” she said.
Congratulations to the class of 2016, thank you for being great leaders and leaving an incredible legacy that the classes coming after you will continue for years to come.
Kaelee Bergsman • Jun 14, 2016 at 11:18 am
I think that the way that we do the Senior send off really is what makes it so special. People getting to walk by everyone and see some of them for the last time really provides a feeling of “Hey, this is real, they aren’t going to be here anymore, and we are all moving up in this school. Soon enough, this will be us.” The senior sendoff this year wasn’t super emotional for me personally, being a freshman and not knowing many seniors, but realizing that the ones I do know are leaving and many of my Junior friends I have now will be leaving next year made this still a slightly emotional moment. Seeing the looks on the seniors faces showed many signs of sadness, though slight excitement to be moving on in the rest of their endeavors. We will all miss our senior class, and I wish them all the best on the rest of their journeys! Good Luck Class Of 2016!
samantha • Jun 13, 2016 at 11:32 am
I am going to miss all of the seniors so much! They were such an amazing class and will do great things.
Grace McManus • Jun 10, 2016 at 10:06 am
The senior class send off was very emotional for many people, though I don’t know many seniors, I did see a few faces I will miss seeing in class and in the halls. I thought that it was nice to say goodbye and acknowledge them for all their accomplishments throughout their years at GP.
Olivia McKenzie • Jun 10, 2016 at 9:50 am
This was so sad, but at the same time exciting for all the seniors to start their new journeys. This really showed how much high school had an impact on our amazing seniors. They will be missed!