Bernie Sanders Rally Hits Home

Jessica Duch, Staff Writer

Bernie Sanders visited Safeco Field Friday March 25th for his fifth rally in Washington. He came to boost support for his presidential bid and to rally folks to caucus against Hilary Clinton.

Supporters waited in line to get into the field for 4-5 hours. Security told supporters with any sort of bags to go in a separate, significantly longer line. People were seen throwing their bags into the trash just to get in quicker. This was his final pep talk for the people of Washington and it was a huge turn out with about 15,000 people.

Sanders mentioned that Washington State has the ability to start a political revolution. With a win in Washington State, he believes he can also win in California and then Oregon.

He hit his stump talking points such as releasing transcripts of all his speeches, Wall Street, immigration reform, minimum wage raise, and overall protection for the middle class and a lack of support for the billionaire class.

He mentioned the current struggle of young Americans in substantial debt for wanting an education and wants to change that. He said that he encouraged the unification of America, not the division and the crowd cheered creating a rumbling sensation in the stadium.

Sanders last enthusiastic rally at Key Arena was not broadcasted, however this time MSNBC captured the moment but with distractions from news commentators still doubting Sander’s road to the White House. Sanders won in a  landslide over Hilary Clinton in the caucuses on Saturday with 72% and Clinton 27%. He also won handily in Alaska and Hawaii. Sanders momentum is continuing in the West.