Family Tuesday

Mikayla Popp, Staff Writer

What started as an idea from students at a different school has now become a Tuesday lunch tradition for Kirstin Lane and her group of friends.

Whether it be sub-sandwiches, Italian or tacos each person is responsible for bringing one part of the whole meal. “We’re supposed to not let people eat if they don’t bring anything but that never happens,” Lane said.

On Wednesdays, each person signs up for an item to bring for next Tuesday’s lunch and Lane posts it on their Facebook page the night before as a reminder. These meals aren’t your typical school lunch, almost each person makes their own item to bring and each person makes sure nothing is left out. “We’re all kind of foodies, so it’s fun because everyone makes it themselves,” Lane said. On the first Tuesday of this month their theme was Italian and it was anything but limited. Complete with 2 types of noodles, white and red sauce, garlic bread, salad and cheesecake for dessert.

Just because things are last minute doesn’t mean they cancel. On weeks that are busy or stressful and planning is short they will do something along the lines of appetizers like chicken wings, popcorn chicken or taquitos. When big breaks come up like winter or spring break everyone brings a different type of dessert and they just eat dessert. For summer break they are planning an ice cream sundae party.

This tradition has brought them together as friends and made them even more like a family. Enjoying their food is not the only thing that is shared at this lunch event. The group of friends uses the question sheets from Mix It Up lunch and goes around the table learning more about each other every week. Spencer Coffman, Micah Palamaffy or Lane lead the group in prayer before enjoying their meal. Not just students have found a way to enjoy this tradition, Mr. Blair himself has become a participant. “We all have had him for class so when he heard us talking about it he asked to join. He brings his share of food and then sends his TA down to get his plate of food for him,” Lane said.

What started as a fun way to have lunch together has become a 2015-2016 tradition. With graduation in there near future this group of friends aren’t scared, they plan to have these types of lunches at as many holidays as they can. A group of friends that has become a family, with the help of food in the center of the table.