The Final Countdown

Photo by Remi Pitstick

Jessica Tiede, Staff Writer

We’ve all seen the tweets about the impending stress and anxiety that’s inevitably creeping up on students regarding first semester finals. The week is almost upon us, and the frantic work to save or maintain grades is all the talk on social media. Stress is building and it’s definitely not beneficial, according to a article about teen health, in fact it says stress is the number one cause of depression. No matter which subject, the threat of sinking grades is intimidating.

“It makes me angry because finals are a lot of points and you work so hard all year and then finals crush you,” Junior Sarah Steranka said. Though a majority of students have finals, some teachers choose not to do finals. Mrs.Gaveart has chosen to not give a final to her third and fourth year French students.

While language is a stressful subject everyone seems to be in heat about their math finals. Mrs.Marshall is allowing her final to count for 120 points for Algebra two with trig.As the threat of their grade hangs on the cusp, the frenzy begins. Rumor has it that Mr.Parker isn’t posing a semester final,but waiting until the end of the year to bring on the pain. Meanwhile Mr. Bender, the other US history teacher, prepares his 40 question final along with an essay question. Who has the upper hand? Finals are overwhelming no matter how many points or how much they account for.

“I’m not doing a comprehensible final because it acts as a reward for 3rd and 4th year students, for sticking it out,” Gevaert said. It’s the building anxiety to one of the most stressful times of the semester and emotions are aflame.

“I think finals are unnecessary. You’re trying to make someone remember something they learned five months ago,” junior Hailey Guthrie said. Though some of us might be lucky enough to have one or two finals, a few are swamped with studying and stress.

“I have 5 out of 6 finals and I hate it! It makes me want to cry,” sophomore JJ Dusin said. According to a study by the Mayo clinic, stress leads to lack of motivation, irritability, as well as sleep problems. Shouldn’t we be the most motivated during this consequential week? Finals are a necessary evil, it’s time to gear up for the second semester. Sharpen your pencils, crack open your text books, and prepare for sleepless nights because it’s the final countdown.