Ronald McDonald House

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Lexi Little, Staff Writer

Every week, Kate Looney takes time out of her crazy high school life to sit down and brighten the smile of a child in need. Ronald McDonald House in Seattle is a place for seriously ill children to have a “home-away-from-home”. Looney goes in every week and try’s to give back to these special kids.

She got the idea of volunteering at RMH last school year and has been hoping ever since to get accepted. Upon getting in, she has put 100 percent effort into helping these kids achieve another happy day. Helping people is one of Looney’s strong-suits, and she sure is good at it. “Kate’s Kraft Corner” is her main focus and original idea, helping kids do crafts and artwork to let them express themselves. Looney has wanted to be a pediatric oncology nurse at Children’s Hospital in Seattle for a long time, so finding this opportunity was a big step in achieving her goal.

As shown in one of the photos, one of the little boys that comes to Looney’s Kraft Korner “loves to play connect the dots and asks [her] every week” to make dots for him to draw on. It’s quite “eye opening that a little kid with cancer can enjoy such a simple thing,” Looney says.

Everyone should try and take a step back from our chaotic lives and try to follow in Kate Looney’s footsteps. She devotes her time and energy into helping kids who are trying so hard to fight their terrible diseases. Sometimes all people need is someone like Looney, showing up with a smiling face and a helping heart.

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