Eight Tips To Help You Get Your Sleep

Celine Moran

A student sleeping in class.

Celine Moran, Staff Writer

With Thanksgiving break recently passed, many students are recovering from their jam-packed holiday weekends, whether it included binge watching their favorite shows on Netflix or spending the night out in Seattle Black Friday shopping with friends. The hardest part of any school break is getting your sleep schedule back on track in time for the first Monday back. Here are some tips to help you get back into the school time flow.

  1. Make mornings bright: Start your day by opening the blinds or turning on all the lights in your room, light helps tell your body’s internal clock that it is morning.
  2. Keep the nights dark: This includes limiting electronic devices, the light from their screens trick our bodies into thinking it is day time.
  3. Avoid stressful situations before bed: This one may be difficult but avoiding activities such as exercise or homework an hour before bed. This can help you fall asleep easier. It may help to keep a notepad on your nightstand to write down any last-minute worries that might keep you up late before falling asleep.
  4.  Stay away from caffeine: After lunch it is best to avoid all caffeinated beverages such as Red Bull, coffee, or tea. These drinks might prevent you from going to sleep at an earlier hour.
  5. Avoid naps that will last longer than 20-30 minutes: The more naps you take during the day, the harder it will be for you to fall asleep again at night. The National Sleep Foundation says a 26 minute nap is the most beneficial.
  6. Start your mornings with a glass of water: By drinking a glass of cold water right when you wake up, you will provide your body with a quick energy boost. Cold water is credited with increasing adrenaline.
  7. Make your bed when you first wake up: Making your bed will prevent you from crawling back in and falling asleep again. It is also a great way to start your day with a small accomplishment.
  8. Start and end your days with music: By starting your day with upbeat rise and shine playlist, you can get yourself in the right mindset to get out of bed. At the end of the day it is important to listen to more mellow music so that your mind is more relaxed.