Softball State Recap

June 5, 2023
On Friday, May 26 and Saturday, May 27 the varsity softball team competed in the state championship tournament. going into this they were ranked sixth in the state with an overall record or 21-4 and a conference record of 6-3. “When we won the game against Eastlake sending us to state, the feeling was pure enjoyment as I got to experience it with my fellow teammates as well as satisfaction as being the 8th seed in the beginning and coming back and winning against teams the were predicted higher than us. I also felt accomplished because I along the whole team we were able to pull through and got to send our seniors to state one last time before they leave,” Maya Mesa said.
On Thursday, May 25 the team got a state send-off where their booster club set up and made little goodie bags for them to take with them in the vans for the way up there. As well as a group of students and staff came out to cheer them on as they left for the tournament. “On the way to the tournament in the vans we were all first tired as it was still the morning but once we were more awake the vibe in the vans was fun and energetic as we were all so excited for this opportunity,” Laila Carpenter said.
Going into the tournament the first team they were up against Battle Ground who were placed eleventh in the tournament. The Grizzlies started off strong and won that game 4-3 keeping them in and going up against sky view next. “When we won the first game it gave me as well as the rest of the team the motivation and momentum to keep on going and carry that through the rest of the tournament,” Faith Jordan said.
The next game was against Skyview who were ranked third in the tournament. But as we have seen this whole season is even though they went against a higher ranked team they still put in all they got. Which caused them to come out on top and beat Skyview 3-1. With that win on Saturday, they were up against Kentwood, ranked tenth in the tournament. They still didn’t let that trick them they gave it their all again and beat them 2-1. With that win, they moved on to the final game putting them up against their local rivals the Jackson Timberwolves for the state championship title. “Going into this last game I was excited but nervous because I really wanted to win, but it also made me a little sad as this would be the last game of my softball career,” Ashleigh Wojcik said.
During this game, it was a tough battle as Jackson is ranked first in the state as well as the tournament. During the sixth inning when the Grizzlies were up at bat, they had to shelter in place for an hour due to thunderstorms. But during this, they got some unfortunate news as it was then told to them that was the end of the game and they weren’t going to continue and therefore the game ended 1-6. but even though they lost they still got second at the state tournament which is a big accomplishment. “I would have been a little more excited with the outcome of the game if we had got to play a full game because now I’m left with all these what-ifs like, what if we had a comeback and won or what if this happened? Besides that, I’m still so proud of myself and my team that in my senior year I got second at state. And as I leave my high school career, I am sad, but I’m ready to go play in college and see what else I can accomplish,” Katelyn McCallum said.