Wolves Are No Match for the Grizzlies

Tucker Molina goes in for a lay-up in the game against the Jackson Timberwolves.
February 21, 2020
The Glacier Peak Grizzlies boys varsity basketball team already defeated the Jackson Timberwolves in their gym on January 10 where our varsity boys won by 34 points. The whiteout/blackout theme was major with a big turn- out of GP students and supporting parents.
The Timerwolves then hosted the Grizzlies on February 5. The game was a close one. The Grizzlies were ahead in the first quarter, but Jackson caught up and were ahead of the Grizzlies by halftime.
The crowd turnout wasn’t as big as the January 10 game, but we still showed our pride by wearing all blue and having some girls step in and lead us in our grizzly cheers.
After the third quarter, the Grizzlies were ahead with a score of 39-30. With several three-pointers by Bobby Siebers and others, the grizzlies forged ahead. The ever-steady Brayden Corwin shot from the free throw line, scoring a total of three points on the play.
As the Wolves and the Grizzlies battled it out, the score was tied-up in the fourth quarter. With fouls made by the Grizzlies, the Wolves went up by three.
Down to the final minute on the clock, the Grizzlies went ahead by a single point.
As our Grizzlies fought against the Wolves during the final seconds, a Timberwolf foul was made against the Grizzlies right before the time ran out.
As the crowd began to leave, the referees talked it over with each other. Since the foul was made a few seconds before the clock stopped, it was decided that it was valid and four seconds were added to the clock. Brayden Quantrille shot and scored two more points for the Grizzlies and raised the final score from 52-51, with Grizzlies in the lead, to 54-51.
This game came as a huge relief for the Grizzlies. With two epic wins against our rivals, the Jackson Timberwolves, the Grizzly team is 22-0 with their final round of regional playoffs tonight at Everett Community College at 7:30 p.m.