Water Polo Plays First Two Games
The girls water polo team after their first game.
May 4, 2018
The girls water polo team won their second game on April 24 against Inglemoor High School, 11-2.
Sno-Peak beat Inglemoor one week prior, 9-4, and can still claim the undefeated moniker. The first match against Inglemoor was at the Aqua Club in Kenmore. It was the first time the team has played a game outdoors, and at 8p.m. It was in the 50s. “It was not too bad, but people were definitely shivering on the sidelines,” Makenna Thuringer said.
Since that first game, Coach John Neff decided to train the team in a more technique-based style. The girls practiced new drills and old and new plays, making sure to prepare for new teams.
The second game against Inglemoor was at the Snohomish Aquatic Center, a pool where the length is in meters as opposed to the usual yards. “We are a better swimming team than Inglemoror. Our pool is 25 meters, and most of these players are not used to that,” Neff said. He was confident the girls would be able to beat Inglemoor again, and this time, preventing more goals on their end.
Captain Allison Smith always pumps the team up, making sure to, as goalie, let people know where they need to be, and stay positive. “It always helps when people come to support the team,” Smith said. “Whenever people come to watch our games, it motivates us and helps us stay positive since eyes are always on us,” Smith said.
On May 3, the girls have another game against Roosevelt High School at Mary Wayte Pool in Seattle. The game starts at 8:30 p.m. Next week, on Tuesday, May 8, at the Shoreline pool at 3 p.m., and dual games on May 9 at the Snohomish Aquatic Center at 3 p.m..