Spring Tryout Requirements
A track runner.
February 18, 2018
Monday the 26, spring sports tryouts start after school, this includes girl’s tennis, boys’ soccer, softball, baseball, golf and track. If you are wanting to try out for any of these sports, you have to make sure that you have all the information filled out for these sports before Monday or else the coaches are not allowed to let you on the field, and if you miss tryouts because of this it will most likely hurt your chances of making the team.
Outside the athletic office, Athletic Director Mr. Judkins has put up a list of all the people that have been cleared for tryouts or missing something and it shows what you need to be able to try out, the main things that are needed to be completed, is to accurately complete all online paperwork on rank one and to start, the link to the site to sign up for your sport is, https://snohomishschools.rankonesport.com/New/Home.aspx
You also have to have a current physical on file, that will not expire during the season. And lastly have to purchase an ASB card if you do not have one at the moment.
After you tryout and make the team to compete in your first game, you have to make sure that the athletic fee is payed, and you also have to make sure that you pay all the fines in the office.
Tying out for a sport is so fun and if you don’t make the team you were trying out for, you can always pick up and event in track, it’s the last season of the school year and you wouldn’t want to miss it.