Not Just a Sport, a Lifestyle

October 29, 2015
Freshman year Daniella Touhy’s world was changed when she discovered her passion for swimming. Currently a senior, captain of the swim team, and a state qualifier, Tuohy’s love for the sport has grown. On October 15th, Tuohy swam in the 200 meter Free Relay with three other teammates. The whole team wildly screamed when they found out the four girls had finished with a State time of 1:44:08.
“When we qualified for State, I almost shed a couple tears. The atmosphere was really positive, and our teammates cheering us on definitely helped,” Touhy said.
Tuohy has taken on the responsibility of being one of the team captains. She leads “dry land” practices, picks up water bottles that were left after practice, and makes sure her teammates are on task.
“Being a captain is a lot of responsibility, but I love knowing that I’m helping people and making a difference,” Tuohy said. Tuohy says that her family has been supportive of her passion for swimming.
“My mom always shows me support by making me pasta the day before a big meet so I can load up on carbs,” she said.
Not only is she a competitive athlete, she teaches swim lessons at the SAC (Snohomish Aquatic Club) outside of swim season. “I love how sweet and happy the little kids are;” Tuohy explained, “I enjoy teaching a life skill to them.” One thing she is proud of is that she has made it to Districts all four years.