Should you see Avengers: Infinity War? (SPOILER FREE REVIEW)
May 1, 2018
Directed by brothers, Anthony and Joe Russo, Avengers: Infinity War was a highly anticipated movie for fans and comic book devotees. If you want a brief synopsis, I’ll do my best to try and sum up the two hours and 30 minutes for you. Rating the movie on a scale of five, I give it four and a half out of five. The Russo brothers delivered on the big awaiting of the film, from humor we expected from some characters, to scenes we never saw coming, it did not feel like a chore to watch.
I know that score sets high expectations, but I will break down each point that lead to my rating (spoiler free). First off, I recognized the characters and their roles. With as many characters as they threw in here, they all had a big part to play, some bigger than others. All the while, with this big event going on, they still presented each character uniquely and respectively, making sure each and every one stayed true to their subtle personality traits.
The next point I’ve taken into account is the plot and how grounded they kept it. Once again, for how big and stretched this movie was, the Russo brothers kept a clear story and never left me confused on what was going on. The story itself is unique, complex, and simple at the same time. The plot is driven by its characters as well, following a much bigger end goal, the groups are broken down to give the viewer multiple situations to think about and how they will affect the end.
I then like to take the graphics into perspective because there are so many more effects that studios are capable of nowadays. The graphics are impressive, for lack of a better term, they are presented extremely well, and it leaves you forgetting the reality of each scene. Kudos to the graphics department for illustrating magnificent effects, and making it look so seamless as well.
For my fourth point I observed the scenes individually, the fighting scenes, dramatic scenes, and group scenes. The fighting scenes were unique and never became boring to watch, but this is where I take away from the score I gave. Every fight scene began to get predictive with the same pattern and end result. Besides that, any time there was a tense scene or dramatic moment, the respective characters were able to break the tension and crack a joke, except it never felt inappropriate to laugh. The group scenes were some of the “hype” I was looking forward to, where we get to see these characters, from different backgrounds and lifestyles, interact and engage with each other. The group scenes were creative, and like I said earlier, kept true to every character that was presented.
Finally, I viewed the movie as a whole and how it compares to any standard movie sent to the big screen. Obviously, it’s no indie film, but this movie is new to say the least. The story is completely sole. Marvel, the Russo brothers, and everyone involved, created AIW knowing they had to live up to such anticipation, and hands down they were successful.