“I’m looking forward to this summer because I can actually have time to work on the things that I want to work on, you know, and learn about the things that I actually care to learn about. Like music; I want to try writing music and just focusing on kind of where I want to go with it, honestly. Because during school you get so swept into the routine and kind of doing what’s handed to you. With music I want to find out what I really like about it and what I want to keep doing with it because I don’t think I’ll pursue it as a career, but I don’t want to give up on it. So, I just need to find the part about it that I really enjoy and keep doing that. I want to start learning piano, it’s something I’ve always wanted to do but I just haven’t had access to a piano and we’re finally looking into getting one. I also want to try being more active and getting outside more. I hate being cold so during the school year I don’t get outside very much. I want to work out more, especially with friends because I’m definitely more motivated to work out when I have people to do it with,” Radtke said.