“Last year, Allyson and I had claimed our parking spots at school for the whole year, and by the end of the year there was this kid that had decided to mess with us. So he decided to start trying to steal our parking spot, and in efforts of not wanting to wake up any earlier to claim this parking spot , and also wanting to still have the parking spot, we would dangerously race him to school. Almost got in numerous car crashes on the way to school, and you know what, we did get that parking spot almost every time. One time in particular, on that one turn when you’re coming from the neighborhoods onto Cathcart, we did a u-y because she was getting me from Willis Tucker. We flipping the car around in a U turn in those neighborhoods and we zipped out and the light turned yellow and Allyson was not about to get a ticket for running a red light so instead she risked our lives by going like 50 on that corner. She whipped us, I was screaming my head off , my head is like flying I’m like “ALLYSON!!” and I definitely have severe trauma from that, but you know what… we got that parking spot that day.”