Yamato Caldwell
February 11, 2023
“I am currently a junior here at Glacier Peak. My experience has been good so far and I have made a lot of close connections, especially with a lot of seniors. I don’t know what I’ll do without them. I do have a lot of friends in my own grade, but I don’t know, I’m just so close with a lot of seniors it’s going to be so sad seeing them leave. I know I’m going to stay in touch with most of them, but I’m so used to seeing them every day it’s going to take a while to adjust. No one talks about what it’s like being in the grade below all your friends, seeing all of them getting college acceptance letters and finding roommates to dorm with. They have all been talking about their majors and seemingly know where their lives are going while I still have an entire year left in my high school education. I love all my friends so much and I’m so excited to see where life takes them next year, even though I know it’s going to be hard without them.”