How Early is too Early for Christmas?

Jacob Kanaly, Staff Reporter

It is that time of the year again, when you can see your breath, houses are wrapped in red and green lights, and hopefully soon, a snowman in every yard. I think it’s never too early for Christmas spirit, however,  when music, decorations, and trees are put up before December, I think that’s too much. I start putting up decorations and listening to Christmas music the first day of December and I know some people that start celebrating before Thanksgiving and others before Halloween.

I don’t believe in the white bearded man. I was told at 12 years old and it has ruined Christmas for me ever since. That one Christmas happened to be when we went on an surprise vacation  to Mexico. There, we celebrated Christmas, opened gifts and came together with our family. When Santa didn’t come that night, my sister told me why. I cried that whole day. 

According to the fact that this is the number one celebrated holiday worldwide.”Christmas is celebrated by over two billion people, and every nine in 10 Americans celebrate Christmas.”

Also, reported that “The average American will spend $700 on holiday gifts and goodies this year, totaling more than $465 billion.”

Abi Ricci starts to celebrate right before December. “It’s unacceptable to start celebrating before Thanksgiving. I start celebrating the day after Thanksgiving. There’s a reason the holidays are in order,” Ricci said.  

Isaac Ellison starts celebrating right after Halloween. “Right after Halloween ends, it is the time to start decorating and celebrating Christmas because you don’t need to decorate for Thanksgiving so no point in waiting,” he said.