Why Publications Is Good For Your Soul
May 17, 2019
I signed up for Publications with no idea what I was getting myself into. If I’m being completely honest, I regretted my decision of signing up for this class as soon as school started. I mean, not only did I end up being the only freshman, but I was surrounded by these people who call themselves Yerds (I later figured out that that meant yearbook nerds).
As the year progressed, and I started feeling a little more at home. Publications became a safe place for me. Let me tell you, there’s something about working on a big group project, for an entire year- one that hundreds of people will treasure for the rest of their lives- that brings 30-something students together. Then, things started getting stressful. As soon as the first deadline for the yearbook came, it hit me that Publications was not a class where you just sit back and relax. I found myself overwhelmed with photos to take, quotes to get, and stories to write. Despite the ongoing pressure, not once did I feel alone, because no one ever hesitated to help me out. I really understood what everyone meant when they would say, “we’re a family.”
If you take Publications, you get an art credit, a CTE credit, or even a Senior English credit. But you also get to be part of something great, that not enough people get to experience. Publications is the kind of class that has made me feel important, as I have gotten involved and stepped outside my comfort zone. I guarantee you, that taking Publications is not a mistake. Of course, it may seem that way at times, but at the end of the day, you have played a part in something amazing. Whoever you are, you have a place in our family, and it’s not too late to join!