Investing In The Future
What students get out of internships pie chart done by
June 12, 2018
The question has risen of whether or not it is really important to do an internship before applying for a job. Do you need to get the hands-on experience that is talked about when discussing the importance of internships? Or is it a matter of just landing the right job? Well, both.
During the school year, many students can be overwhelmed with the stress of clubs, grades, sports, and other activities. These things can leave students no time to even think of doing an internship or getting a job. Many students also feel as if they need money to pay for their expenses but can only find unpaid internships in their field. Studies show that 70% of students who get an internship (paid or unpaid) before applying to a job are more successful with their careers later on. Internships are a great way to gain relevant knowledge about the career you would like to go into. It’s also a great way to establish connections in the field.
Senior Blake Beltran gets hands-on experience for his paid internship. “At my internship, I get to experience techniques and other tricks that I don’t normally get to do at school, one thing that’s important to me is that I get to be at a new environment like an office which is beneficial in the future. Working with other people helps me feel more mature, they’re super funny too. I drive there every Tuesday and Wednesday to Woodinville. I’m interning under a graphic designer for a toy company. I get to use programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. but not always on the computer, other times I go to the studio to take pictures on toys and stuff,” Beltran said.
The matter of time is also an issue for many high school students. Most students are not yet pros at managing their time and schedules with the average high school tasks as well as sports, jobs, family, clubs, church, whatever it may be. Senior Nathaniel Walchenbach took another option by taking a summer internship. “I got the amazing opportunity to do a Boeing internship this summer and work under some of the greatest minds I have ever come in contact with. I got to be mentored by people of status and gain so much knowledge and experience that I didn’t have prior. I got paid a good amount to work more hours a week than I preferred but it didn’t matter because of the knowledge I got out of I,” Walchenbach said.
Sure, it’d be nice to get paid to do what you love. But paid or not, internships give you new experiences and knowledge that comes from time and that can greatly impact your future job and possibly even get you ahead.