The Best Invention Since The Wheel

May 2, 2018
Many historians may argue that the wheel is the invention that set mankind apart from the other 8.7 million species here on this earth. I am here to debunk this belief. After talking with teachers and colleagues alike, I can confirm what the greatest gift to mankind truly is.
in 1956 an inventor and entrepreneur by the name of Nicholas D. McKay, Sr. invented the lint roller, which has shaped humanity ever since and continues to revolutionize the modern world everyday. With the help of the lint roller, you can now wear black pants AND pet your dog or cat before you leave for school, and no one will think that you’ve worn those pants whilst fighting a balding polar bear on your way to school.
A senior from Glacier Peak named Aenne Thom believes this theory strongly and is a vocal advocate for Lint Rollers, she loves to share her inspiring story, “Lint Rollers saved my life, they are the reason I am here… I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for Lint rollers, their strategically engineered adhesive continually and consistently inspires me. In the no-so-perfect world we live in, we reside in constant fear of hair, assorted fibers, and worst of all, lint. I have been saved by the lint roller more times than I can count. Business interviews, DECA competitions, my black jeans, all compromised by white fuzz. Thanks to the Lint Roller, I don’t have to worry about any of it.” Thom said.
After heavy research I can truly conclude that lint roller, have had an impact on more people than the wheel, in fact I can conclude that the wheel and it’s circular design and model, was just a prehistoric model and prototype for a lint roller, so that cavemen could remove the wooly mammoth fur from their leopard skins. Lint Rollers are the best invention in the world, hands down.