A Dream That Changed The World

photo credit- Daniel Lloyd Blunk Fernandez
January 16, 2023
Every year on January 16, we celebrate an important man. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world. King was a black rights activist and he committed his life to moving the nation forward in their thinking about what it means to be truly free.
King’s “I have a dream” speech was a call to end inequalities for African Americans. “It’s important to me because as a black person, it’s very hard for me to get used to be in environment where not everyone is like me. It’s very hard to find appreciation. So, MLK day makes me feel seen or heard, especially for our fight for civil rights, it was very impactful,” BSU member Chiamaka Okoroafor said.
King led many protests, despite American authorities threating to stop him. Even though his push for freedom had a huge impact on all people, not just African Americans, his journey is not fully explained. In school, we mainly focus on the four famous words that he said, “I have a dream.” “I think MLK day should be more respected than it is, not a lot of people know the full story of his impact and the people who were helping him in his journey,” BSU Vice President Jennifer Tshilombo said. “I think if this topic was more educational, they would have more remembrance and respect for this day,” she said.
Martin Luther King Day is a day to remember all the sacrifices that were made for the equalities and justice. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was shot and severely wounded. Later that day, he died. “MLK day for me is an opportunity to remember what our country and so many people went through in history. It’s not just a day to remember Martin Luther King Jr., but to remember all the other people that were involved in making sure that every person has equal opportunity and is treated as a human,” Mrs. Veach said.