Canvas, the application that students use for their assignments, is starting to have some problems. When they come home from school, the first thing they do is check for assignments, however, sometimes they don’t show up. Then, when students come into class, they are faced with questions they do not know how to answer. Teachers have been trying to resolve this issue, as they have been experiencing problems like these from their end as well. “There is this thing with assignments where it would show three different scores of one assignment, when there should only be one – it’s super weird,” Mr. Casagrande said.
Students also use Canvas to show their current grades and not just assignments. Yet, the grades that are shown are not their actual grades, causing students to be confused with what to do with their grades. Then, parents will also be questioning grades leading to more stress on the students. Grades are important to the student, and the application is fueling their stress. “I would check Canvas for my grades, and then it would show me my grade, but then when I check Skyward, it shows something different,” Jason Kim said.
With both grades and assignments not showing up, students are left uncertain as what to do. When using Canvas, students also have the problem of incorrect grading on the assignments. If the assignment is not turned in yet, but there is still time until the due date, Canvas shows that it is a missing assignment when it is not, it’s just not finished. This is stressful and annoying for the students to handle on their own. “Sometimes it’s weird because my assignments are for some reason shown as late even though I turned it in before the due date which is really annoying to see for my grades,” Arsema Sileshi said.