Spring Break

March 31, 2023
Spring break is a time where students and teachers can unwind from school and then come back prepared for the final few months of school. Many families will take vacations during this time to give them a very relaxing week. Some families like to travel to tropical resorts to get some nice relaxation. “I’m going to Mexico because my family loves their beaches, and we are excited to feel the warm weather and get tan so it’s just going to be a lot of fun,” Olivia Beatty said.
A couple of families like to travel and will go to places across the world. Some go to places they have never been before and others go to familiar areas, but they go to see new sights “I have a bunch of family around the Italy area, so we are taking a trip there and then since my parents also love touring the city, we will also be doing that,” Kayla Moreno said.
Other families take this time to visit some family or friends that might live farther away. Having a whole week off gives plenty of time for seeing people that you might not get to see as often. “I am going to Las Vegas for spring break to spend time with my family and to visit with one of my old friends that lives in Utah,” Maddy Undseth said.
Also, some people love finding things to do right here in Washington. Weather its with friends or family people have fun staying local. “I think that I am going to go camping with my cousin because it will be fun, and we will get to spend time with each other,” Sophie Smith said.
Lots of choices and places to visit over spring break and most are trying to relax and distance themselves from the stress of life and school.