The Swing Dance Returns

January 26, 2023
The Swing Dance kicked off at 7 p.m. on Saturday Jan. 21 with Fly Me to the Moon played by Glacier Peak’s jazz 1. Most of the 175 or so people who came, had already been there for an hour learning some of the steps of swing dancing. The dance had been cancelled for the past two years, and was brought back due mostly to requests made by the students most of whom were happy to have it back. For many musicians, it was their first time playing for a dance setting. “I’m feeling excited. But it feels like a regular performance because there’s parents and kids here to watch it.” said jazz 2 musician, Logan Davis.
Jazz 1 played eight songs to cycle through the whole night, including Fly Me to the Moon, the song the dance was themed after. Five songs were played by Jazz 2, such as “Suit Zoot Riot.” Valley View’s band also performed three songs. The songs themselves were composed by notable people such as Count Basie and Bart Howard. These songs were and are played by skilled bands across the United States. The Glacier Peak bands played nicely as well. “I think the band did really well. We had a few hiccups, but we still performed really well under pressure and I think that’s super important skill to have.” said jazz 1 musician, Jaxson Daly.
The Swing Dance was an exciting event and also a fundraiser for the band in general. The bands new money will help the bands pay for trips and competitions, along with instrument and equipment repairs. It was not only open to students but to anyone in the community who wanted to come. This lead to many people joining the students who came to the Swing Dance. “I was expecting more of adults to show up. Like the older people, the elders, and parents of the actual players. I wasn’t expecting so many of our classmates and peers.” Said trumpetist, Lucy Choyke.
Lilah George • Jan 27, 2023 at 9:26 am
I loved the dance and it’s cool to see how the musicians felt!
Logan Davis • Jan 26, 2023 at 10:04 pm
Great story, Eleanor! I loved the swing dance.