Friday Interviews in Mr. Bonner’s Class

Mya Lozko, Staff Writer

You might have learned that Monday is the best day of the week, but really it’s Friday because of the interviews that are happening in Mr. Bonner’s class. Every Friday throughout the year, in Mr. Bonner’s room #305, he interviews his students. The interview is about their life. Mr. Bonner asks lots of different questions, they could be personal, or school related but the purpose is that everyone will get to know you more.

Students are always so excited to see other people being interviewed. “I think it’s a really fun way to get to know your classmates a little bit more and I think it’s just really fun in general, and I liked my interview because I think it’s cool for people to kind of get to know me,” Ryan Domingcil said.

It overfills students with excitement when it’s their turn to be interviewed. “YES! I’m very excited for my interview I did one last year and it was a great time,” Madeline Floren said.

Friday interviews help people change the way they look at each other and bring students closer to one another. It helps us put ourselves in other’s shoes and see everyone from a different side. There are times when students will get emotional during their interview and even Mr. Bonner himself. “I remember a girl whose aunt died, and she was crying, and I knew her aunt, I remember the way she talked about it, and it made me cry. Sometimes people would say things that are really touching or really emotional it doesn’t happen a lot, but it happens maybe once a year,” Mr. Bonner said.