Students Give Thoughts On Heading Back to School

April 2, 2021
This past year has been tough. Coronavirus, lockdowns and no school. Many are happy to be going back this year, but there are many different feelings about it. Many are ready for change. “I’m ready for change and ready to see friends, ”Brent Roberts said.
Others have been wanting to go back for a while. “Should’ve done it sooner,” Matt Chen said.
Some are ready to go back, but still playing it safe. “As long as it’s safe and people stay healthy and distant, it should be okay,” Thomas Peachy said.
For seniors, their high school time is coming to an end and need to get back soon. “I’m excited to be going back, it’ll be great to see my teachers, friends and the staff in person to end my senior year,” Karsten Schmidt said.
Others want to but aren’t quite ready for crowds yet. “I want to. I feel like it’ll be good for me and everyone. Learning will be much more affective and easier, but I only want to go back once corona is over,” Roman Snitko said.
Some people are excited to be getting back, but are concerned about being able to adjust to the new schedule. “Mainly, I’m a little concerned about being able to adjust to the new environment after all I’ve gotten used to over the course of the past year, but I’m happy I’ll be able to see people safely again,” Hannah Ament said.
For those who are taking running start, they might want to go back, but sadly can’t. “I only take two classes at the school because I’m in running start, so I’m not going back this year. But if I had a full schedule, I would’ve,” Tori Staal said.
Others are excited to get back, but also interested to see how different the schedule is. “I’m excited but also kinda anxious just to see how different everything is with covid, it’s still a great chance to see everyone and start getting back into routine,”Marissa Myers said.