It’s that time of the year again when all the juniors are beginning to stress about the long-awaited test, the ACT. During the span of time of American College Testing, students are called to focus mainly on subjects like Science, Math, and English, so some students are going to great lengths to prepare for this looming exam. Some study many hours a day, going through each of the subjects thoroughly, but some people feel confident enough to take things easily and not go out of their way to study. “I am actually not going to study for the ACT because, well, if I do end up studying, I wouldn’t believe in the knowledge in my mind. In times like these, it’s best not to because studying is basically doubting yourself,” Jasjeet Rayat said.
However, not all students are taking it easy, and the students who are working diligently have many clever ways of going about their studies. One of these ways to study the ACT is to take practice tests online. These tests are very helpful when it comes to becoming fully immersed in the test-taking feeling, one of the best methods most students use. “I really like using online websites because, this one time a little bit ago, I went to the library to find something to help me out with the ACT but they didn’t have anything, however, they did give me some websites to use specifically for studying so I’m definitely going to use those tonight,” Braxton Hood said.
Of course, there are a few students who are sticking to the old-fashioned method of using books that help guide them through the ACT. “Since I am studying for the ACT, I was actually prepared because there was this book from Barnes & Noble that I got that was technically for 2024 that is used for studying, but I still think it’s fine,” Arsema Sileshi said.