Summer 2023

Peyton Weinmann, Staff Writer

      With school ending here shortly in less than a month, the excitement for most is through the roof! Many students have already started making their big summer plans or fun bucket lists to complete before we must return in the fall. “My plans for the summer are to hike a lot, have a bunch of fun with my friends and girlfriend, try to start working out again, and possibly go to Spokane” Mason Kieneker said.  

        Although school is fun, those three months of not having to worry about a missing assignment or being on time for first period are key to all students so they can rest and have fun while they are still young “This summer I’m going to go to the beach, go camping, and hang out with friends. I am also taking a family trip to Chelan which is exciting,” Kiara Gamble said.  

       All Washingtonians know how fast the weather can change, that’s why it’s important to soak up the sun you can get before its gone. “I’m excited for the summer weather so I’ll be able to swim and tan a lot,” Gamble said.  

      Now, besides the typical hiking and camping that many of us do, there are also the students that have summer sports that keep them occupied during the break. “This summer I will be playing in lots of softball tournaments,” Peyton Dehnert said.  

     Whether you are a couch potato or an adventurer everyone can agree that summer break is a necessity.