As temperatures drop and the days grow longer, another familiar sickness makes its annual return: influenza. With coughing, sneezing, and fevers on the rise, flu season is officially back and bringing risks for illness. Whether you’re looking to protect yourself or recover quickly, staying informed is key. Here’s what you need to know about this year’s flu season and how to stay ahead of it.
With the cold weather, flu season is hitting schools hard. It feels like every day, more people are out sick, leaving classrooms half empty and making it hard to keep up with schoolwork. The CDC says, “flu activity often peaks between December and February,” so it’s no surprise that so many students are missing school right now. With so many people coughing and sneezing, it’s impossible to avoid getting sick, and attendance is taking a serious hit. This month, 63 students were absent due to illness, an average of 15 students absent per day. “I think the numbers are a little bit higher than usual right now, especially when there’s a stomach bug that’s going around,” Christina Hebert, who works in the attendance office, said.
No one should spend their week stuck in bed feeling sick, so avoiding the flu is a top priority. Here are some tips to stay healthy. Washing your hands is a must because germs spread fast, especially in school, so using hand sanitizer helps a lot too. Not sharing food or drinks can help lessen the chance of getting sick too. The CDC also says, “getting a flu shot every year is the best way to reduce the risk of flu and its complications.” On top of that, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and staying hydrated can boost your immune system and keep you from catching whatever’s going around. “I’ve gotten sick so many times this year, it’s frustrating because all I could do is stay in bed and try to recover. It’s not fun being sick; it feels like a loss of energy, along with sore throats, fevers, a stuffy nose, and more,” Sara-Elisa Pena said.