NHS, or National Honor Society is the countries program that honors scholars with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 or above. These students must fill out an application including information about them as a student and as a member of the community. Once invited into the club, some of the main requirements are to maintain that high GPA as well as to complete 12 hours of community service per school year. As the deadline on June 1 approached for these high achieving students, many had to rush to figure out these hours.
Some students struggle to try and knock these hours out before the rush to the end. “I did it all last minute, so I had a few weeks left to do it so I kind of just rushed it. I worked at this one nonprofit organization for like four hours it’s called Cyso its an orchestral group and then I worked at the church where they served food to the people who need it. [It wasn’t hard to rush] because I kept checking the NHS page and I kept searching up Snohomish community service and stuff like that. [I would say] to do it early, like, get it done in the summer if you can. Do not rush it all at the end because it’s harder to find opportunities and a lot of people do it at the end so it’s harder,” Sofia Carmona said.
Many of the seniors in honors society were inducted into the club at the end of their freshman year, being in it for all the possible years. They have the experience of raking in all the hours and they understand the stress to get it done. After making the same mistakes that many students eventually will, they have advice to give on the topic such as where to get your hours from. “I would definitely recommend being involved in the honors society events like the holiday party, it’s a really great way to get your hours in early on and you don’t have to worry about it since Mrs. Browning puts it in automatically so you can see it, and then there’s the gift wrapping too and its really easy and really fun, bring your friends with you and you’ll have like six hours out of the way at the beginning of the year. I am really involved in the swim team stuff so I volunteer for the boys swim team, I also do a lot of band buddy hours so I believe that was about six and a half of my hours,” Ellie Lao said.