Morning Motivation

One of Ashlyn’s senior photos
January 25, 2022
Senior Ashlyn Peterson, does Instagram lives every morning where she talks about mental health, religion and what’s going on in her life. She began livestreaming occasionally on Instagram two years ago when she would focus on Christian based religious devotionals, but as the pandemic began, she found it hard to continue. Starting September of 2021, she brought them back and focused on the livestreams as more of a platform to talk about mental health, bible verses and starting her morning right.
“I also eat breakfast on live to be a safe place for people with ED, and I remind others to drink water and take whatever medications they need then, it helps me when I’m having a depressive start too. I like to have a variety to open the ability for anyone to take something out of the live that could help them have a better day,” Peterson said
“I like to have a variety of viewers to open the ability for anyone to take something out of the live that could help them have a better day, I have a good sized platform and I want to be able to be as real as I can be on social media and use it for things that make me happy. I’m grateful for the fact that I have a few people who regularly watch and then every-once in awhile have a stranger at school tell me they watched and that always makes my day,” Peterson said.
Ashlyn goes live most weekdays at 6am and while her life and setting continues to change, she plans on adjusting and trying her best to keep going live. If you want to join in on one of her lives her Instagram handle is; @_ashlynpeterson