Sandy Hook Promise PSA Examines Important Issues, But Organization Makes It Difficult to Find Helpful Resources and Information

October 30, 2019
Sandy Hook Promise recently released a saddening but important video about the reality of school shootings in America. The video begins like a classic back-to-school department store commercial, but quickly grows darker and becomes disturbing.
The Sandy Hook Promise organization used this PSA to bring attention to the signs of violence in schools, and concludes the video with a message to go to the organization’s website to find out more. However, the information they advertise is extremely difficult to find, and viewers are required to jump through hoops to learn necessary and important information to grant themselves safety. Just to be able to obtain advertised life-saving information, users are asked to fill in personal information and sign up. There are programs for the organization to teach at schools, but the warning signs should be easy to find, to reach as many eyes and ears as possible.
If the organization cares so much about the lives of school children, they should make these resources easily available to all. “Share these facts, know the signs, and act to protect them before it’s too late,” the website advertises. Some facts about those who pose a danger to themselves or others are available, but these important signs of danger are hidden and inaccessible.
What is easy to find is the big, flashy “DONATE NOW” link at the top of the web page. Although this charity uses most of their donations to work on programs and help the community, Sandy Hook Promise does use about 4% of donations for paying staff and for other administrative costs.
Based off of the inaccessibility of the website and the small profit that the company makes from donations, I am suspicious of the Sandy Hook Promise. I will feel better about the organization if it makes these warning signs accessible to the public.
WARNING: This video contains graphic content that some viewers may find disturbing.