Thinking About AP World History?
Learn what AP World is all about.
The AP World History text book.
December 1, 2017
AP World History is the first AP class that’s open to all sophomores, and many freshman may have an interest in it.
AP stands for Advanced Placement or, as students say, “Advanced Procrastination.” The class can be hard. It is college leveled reading. 6 parts, 36 chapters, 903 pages, which means 6 Unit Tests, 36 quizzes and 903 pages read and understood by May when the national test takes place.
“At times it’s a lot easier than I thought it would be but having to study a chapter a week feels so crazy mostly because I love procrastinating. However, all the SAQs and essay questions are really helpful for connecting world history together, which will be a lot of help when we take that huge test in May,” Kaylie Alvarez said.
AP World may have its perks though. Students are surrounded by people who are intelligent and have a strong work ethic. They learn to manage time wisely. On top of learning to stay organized, there are multiple ways the AP World teacher, Mr. Morgan, teaches.
“I definitely like AP World a lot. We get to learn, using a lot of different tools videos, note taking, projects and sometimes a little humor. I feel like it’s made me a better student because I had to improve my work ethic. It’s definitely time consuming though,” Abby Gaffney said.
The pages are dense, detailed material. Each chapter is about 20 pages roughly. The quizzes are every Friday. Projects can be fun and group-involved, and helpful, especially for people who love history. On a positive note, the pages are filled with more information and names, which can lead to lots of learning.
“It’s challenging but not impossible,” Kevin Cho said.